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Employee Spotlight: Leslie K. Moorman, LCSW - CEO & Founder

Leslie founded Cooperative Counseling Services in 2005. Prior to that, she held positions including Director of a Full and Half Day Child and Adolescent Partial Hospital Program and Director of the Union County Children's Mobile Response and Stabilization System. Leslie has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 2000 and also holds her certificate to conduct clinical supervision. Leslie graduated with a Bachelor of Science from The George Washington University and a Master of Social Work from New York University. She is a certified Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) trainer and often spends her time training clinicians, schools, and parents.

LCSW Leslie Moorman

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Leslie:

1. I am the third of four children (2 brothers and a sister). I also have 2 sisters-in-law & 2 brothers-in-law. I had another sister-in-law who passed away long before her time & is deeply missed.

2. I studied abroad in London during my Junior year and traveled throughout Europe for 3 months after. I broke off & have a piece of the Berlin Wall (which started coming down a year before that trip).

3. I have 4 kids. They are all the light of my life.

4. I lived in Washington DC and always wanted to be a lobbyist for human rights; but became a social worker after working for the DC Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program.

5. I went on a cross-country tour bus for 3 months and lived in a mansion-turned-recording-studio in New Orleans for 2 months with my sister-in-law’s band, as a nanny for my nephew, Ryder.

6. My parents have been happily married for 55 years this August. My mom was a teacher and went back to school when I was little to become a Guidance Counselor for over 35 years. My dad was a US Marine, long-shore man, bus driver, accountant, and finally, a court stenographer who started his own company when I was in High School. My parents are my idols.

7. I love the beach and truly feel at peace when I am near the water…. I love to travel, especially if a beach is involved!

8. My husband and family mean the world to me and I try to make meaningful memories every chance I get (even if zip-lining and cliff-diving scare me to death)!

9. I have always dreamt of changing the world. I feel incredibly lucky to lead a company with so many people who share my dream. I am sure that we will make a difference in this world that will be meaningful and lasting.

10. I have decided to get my Ph.D. in Family Science and Human Development because I know we can find a way to help children and families break the cycles of abuse and trauma. I am humbled and a bit scared of this endeavor, but I believe it is well worth the time and energy!

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